5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

In this shot, the building doesn't look abandoned at all. In fact, it doesn't even look like a hospital but, rather, a nice hotel where people would hold company Christmas parties and business conferences.
Looks like Gonzo's been smoking a little too much pot lately...
At least they have clean hands. Or plenty of light.
when you come out for KPPC ( the exit/ entrance right by building 93) there is a bunch of buldings to your left.. i was once told it was an old childrens hospital.. do you know anything about those buildings?
the KPPC pictures are great.. i live near it and they have a fence around bulding 93 and the place is patrolled by security like you wouldn't believe
that place is amazing but sad at the same time because of how much distruction was caused there. i believe there is something in there because of what happend the last time i went.
well last night i actually drove to this assylum and i was told this place was haunted so me and 9 of my friends went and we saw the first building and that place is sooooooo freaky i got chills all over once we saw the building man im never going bak there again
There was no barbed wire anywhere....
Actually the old morgue was a small building kind of behind the fire house...It was across the way from B 93.....it is gone....I saw my first autopsy in that old morgue (I was a student nurse)
No children at KPPC for many a year before its closure......no pediatric ward
I remember these rooms when they had bed spreads, curtains, pictures on the walls ,( which were painted ), and wardrobes (dressers). Many patients had stuffed animals and throw pillows on their beds too....Not exactly like home, but the staff did try.....
mayb they should knock the building down instead of letting it rot..
y are there flowers there??
imagine how many drug addics live in there now...
it has a deepness to it, great value someone should draw it in black and white.