5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

my friend and i went into this building today. we have been going to kp every weekend for the past 6 weeks, we go to a different building each time. this one is tall but no so big inside. the attic was very cool and whar a view from the roof. we found one tunnel so far but have not ventured in yet....we love this place...and so far no ghost yet
Phenomenal Scary Photo....watch out for the security guards at KPPC you could scare the .... out of them and you never know what they will do in response. KPPC is already a scary place in the day time never the less to see you looking like this, popping out of a manhole. Thanks for all the great pictures.
ummmm can you say BEST PIC EVER?!
bengay aint for old people. I'm 16 and I have FMS and I have to use it all the time.
it looks like it could be designed like stained glass, or it could just be one of those fuzzy posters you color in. hard to tell...
I find this heartbreaking. Call me crazy, but I do.
creepy. hard to tell if its a setup to look like angel wings or something really ate it and left just the wings.
funny that the little guy found such a cluttered cart to be comfy... well maybe he likes to feel surrounded, who knows.
the different hues and shades of green are what appeal to me here. not bad at all
WHOA I'm really afraid of heights lol but this is still a good pic. I would've been so scared that I would've dropped the camera
whoa. no matter how that chair got up there, this is one crazy/disorienting/mad good picture.
I feel so restrained just looking at this picture. Like the walls are just gonna come closing in on me...
doesn't look so evil to me. it just looks like a poor cute little cat taking shelter in a decaying building.
yes, I agree with the whole "finding a comfortable place for its last nap" theory, but all I can say is that I agree this really isnt something to laugh about, quite melancholy really, and no matter how it died or what it was, may it rest in piece.
That is so dismal and stark-looking; all of those barred windows, one after another after another, all exactly the same as the next. And there are so many of them! I definitely wouldn't want to be commited here, just for the sole fact that the buildings are so dreary and soul-less.