5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

The article below mentions most of the people LLI mentioned: http://www.mindfreedom...m/news/pilgrim.shtml
The mattress was folded in half. That's why it looks so small.
By far, one of my favorites
Nancy, I'll hold them down for ya ;)
wow this looks like edgewood
my friend i went here yasterday and went into building 139. what a trip, it was day light and creepy as hell.....cant wait to go back.
where were the quiet rooms (padded cell)
I hope you check for oxygen before you enter those manholes. Should be 20.9%, no less than 19.5%
to bad its impossible to get in there now, all the windows on the first floor are welded shut and the tunnels are bricked shut.
thats a CO2 extinguisher
amazing.. only wings remains
we went there last night it was so scary. we kept hearing people on quads though... and we ran into people over at 93 they said there were cops there so we ran across the street to this one... this building is pretty sick though... we actually got inside no problem.
we went there last night... i climbed up those stairs to get to the roof... shit was scary...
My gosh! How horriblly it looks! It looks much more sinister that all these old, gothic asylums!
She probly meant Building 7. But I know you can't see the buildings from the L.I.E