171 Comments for Old Taylor Distillery

Although I know it's not allowed, but I would have loved to snag that book.
First :)
That's a lot of corn mash!
Is that a light bulb still lit on the right near the back or is it the sun reflecting off something? My eyes are slowly getting worse every day, but I still come here to enjoy the photos!!
I always wanted to live in a castle, this place is gorgeous! I could definitely live here.
my favorite crayon color, seafoam green. :)
Thank you for the new gallery! Love it!
A GEM! Thank you so much! Thoroughly enjoyed! job well done
- as usual, Mr. M.
Ohhh goodness - what a GREEN EVENT! So fantastic, Iceberg!
Now - wonder how it looks INSIDE the rooms? Underwater effect?
Ohhhh DEAR! Look at them ALL, Iceberg. Am in Heaven!
SO MANY - and the kind I love; with the globe!
Ohhh yes, absolutely flushed - excellent communication! Really LIKE! Clearer, less bulls__t, and less mistakes. Good company!
YAY - thanks Iceberg - light, a pretty one, also!
FAIR SCALE /CO/ - probably still works - oil + tighten some screws and usable?
Pistachio? What a sweet tender hue shade tint.
Lights - but only bulbs - the globes are gone...