171 Comments for Old Taylor Distillery

The chandelier-planter? Wonder how the plants were watered.
Enthralling & intriguing structure, and with water, even better.
Amazing - so still. The ceiling look like steps in a pool
The globes are out to be refilled with soap. :-)
Ditto on that for sure!
So what was this area actually used for?
so they actually used the water from this creek to brew with?
Ah yes, it sure does look like a planter there. I had read it was a chandelier that was "constantly lit;" looking at another photo I think I can make out two wires that snake through the supporting chain links. I wonder if it had a dual purpose or changed over the years.
fall in that thing and you would be getting the shaft
Reminds me of The Enchanted Forest gallery!
Thanks - it's a reflection from the sun, no power in here :)
Looks like a gasket of some sort.
can you imagine somehow falling in one of these. . . never to escape!
On second thought. . . if that's the employee manual from the prior photo, then I think I would have left it to finish rotting. Before I get yelled at, I know taking things is "taboo" and I would NOT do that. It is nice to think about though.
It's getting eaten by vines and plants
What's that grey oval shaped thing on the floor?