167 Comments for Mount Moriah Cemetery

Graveyards in general tend to have very good soil for plant growth... but where I come from, large trees right on top of a grave is very bad luck. Descendents are supposed to visit family graves every year to trim excess vegetation.
I wonder how old these graves are on average? Maybe direct descendents have moved away and forgotten them?
I suspect that the coffin is actually 6ft under and that mock coffin of stone is actually a planting bed. the one next to it is of the same design. I may be wrong.
Kudzu IS off
Black and white photos?
Funny the symbols for strength and power seem to always look a little... phallic-like.
Well, if there's any justice in the world, the people that vandalize cemeteries will be haunted by the spirits they desecrated!
It could be a marker for a family plot, but I'm not sure as it was so overgrown!
It is sobering to view the final resting places of those who have gone on before us. Some day, according to the Holy Scriptures, their bodies will rise again in the final Resurrection. "Thy dead shall live, their bodies shall rise; O dwellers in the dust, awake and sing for joy!"
Well ya think they could've at least gotten a shovel and buried it, what with the challenge of driving it through all that brush. Arghhh!
Mica, I was just over at that Facebook site. Amazing the work those folks are doing clearing out all that overgrowth and foliage.
Something about those carvings remind me of lettuce.
I agree. It's so sad to see dilapidated cemeteries. There's just no excuse for vandalism. Let the dead rest in peace.
And now I'm thinking of the Wicked Witch of the West...."Poppies...poppies will make them sleep."
Now this is Hope in the midst of overgrown foliage.
That statue is determined not to be overcome by those creeping vines!