133 Comments for Market St. Power Plant

It's like viewing a whole differant world with all that rust and buildup. Kinda like a beached ship that had been sunk for years
That......is a massive machine. And if it is really big as I can guess from this picture then that place was under quite alot of water
That one that's set to "Off" is just gnawing at those with OCD...but aside from that I like how theyve all fallen. Like an electrical waterfall
What is that hanging on the ceiling to the left? Is it a banner of some sort? Some trash blown up there? Or is it graffitti?
Reminds me of that damn moon in Zelda X3
I still wouldnt risk it. Can never be TOO sure
Oh the echoes that massive (And by the looks of this,massive might be an understatement l3) hall could likely produce
Someones painted over that window on the left and I have to say it looks very pretty. Well from here, probably not up close X3
Guessing there might have been windows on that upper section because otherwise that brickwork seems out of place
Thank you for the trip. I always enjoy your great photos. Take care.
Great picture. It must have been a rather dangerous place to work.
Am I the only one looking for fish and frogs
The complexity of these places... the ingenuity and engineering ... always amaze me!
Rough guess how high that water was? Difficult to judge just from a photo.
Can't wait to see more! Thanks for the trip.