133 Comments for Market St. Power Plant

Big critters gnawed a LOT of copper out of that thing. Big MD 20-20 jackpot.
I love the pumps on either side of the pipes along with the monster valving required to control the flow of coolant/condensate.
Wow, what a shot!
Outstanding. As is always the case with these industrial sites, "wish I could hear it run!"
Hey Motts, awesome work as usual... you know what would be a shocking find? A gennie with windings intact!
Is it just me, or does this look like some sort of robot? Like the middle parts are its torso an head, the two meters its eyes, and the pipes are its arms... :o
The arrows that appear in several of the pictures look like they have a purpose and not just kids messing around. Some are blue and some are red. Wonder who was on a personal guided tour.
Evidence seems to point to recurring floods inside the building, but I've only been inside twice.
I agree with Angie-it's great that someone (you, Motts) gives us "regular" folks a chance to see the inside of these places. I would love to do urbexing! I'm more into the paranormal but this definitely is a second choice!
That muck looks awful. I wouldn't put one toe in it (but would dare someone else to).
I would hate to fall in that stuff! Probably grown a leg or something, lol.
I cannot imagine the darkness in this place at night. I wouldn't risk exploring a place like this in the dark (well a little it, lol)
Does it flood often here Motts?
I love archways!
Yeah, that looked pretty dangerous working there. One slip on those stairs and that would have been it! Bet it was scary as hell when it was flooded. and the noise all this machinery must have made was probably wicked