133 Comments for Market St. Power Plant

What doesnt really translate is that while steam was being made, all parts of the system would have been unbelievably hot to the point that you really question your sanity, until you either get used to it or quit.
This is where I get my fix of old and abandoned Thanks for sharing your talent!
Yikes. Looks like that "water" would rot your feet off!
Part of what I absolutely love about Motts' industrial imagery is seeing these gauges frozen in time at something other than zero... makes you wonder... 22 what? Let your imagination take over!
LOL! autoguy: "What's the word? Thunderbird!" I prefer it in the devastating 54 oz jug!
Great to see heavy equipment and machines. Thanks for sharing! Love it!
Mmmmmm. More MD 20-20.
Swan dive, pike, double flip. So many choices.
I'm guessing that gauge may need some recalibrating.
It appears the big motors have drive belts that go below to another level. Massive monsters they are, all copper still intact.
A massive monster! There's a people door in the lower right that offers an indication of water depth. Standard door is about 80".
Or, old days: "Don't put your fingers in there." "Ok". New days: "Don't put your fingers in there." "Where? HERE?" *crunch* *call lawyer*
Leaving all those on and wasting power like that. The nerve!
Massive castings and bolts. Big steam valve bank. The pressures in that thing had to have been immense. Scrap iron value is still huge. PITA to get it out of there though. Perhaps the overhead crane is compromised.
Some of those appear still buttoned up. Still more copper there, more MD 20-20 potential.