276 Comments for Horace Mann School (KC)

They mustnt have liked those pianos too much. Thats the third one rotting away here
Why are there clothes in an abandoned school? And look at all those textbooks rotting away
Im suprised the writing on the chalkboard was a leftover from the Christian school and not just someone writing on the board. Thats some good history
I bet those murals took ages to paint. Now they are gone forever
You just don't see little treasures like this being build any more. It's a shame really, all the little details that are no longer put into buildings. Everyone lives/works in a box, that pretty much looks like everyone else's little box. I think that is why I keep coming back. In hopes of seeing just one more little treasure like this! Thank you!
Choir gowns. Wore them all through high school. Heavy, hot and not at all like the cheap flimsy gowns we had at graduation. The top one looks about the same dull dark blue we had too!
Bit of a change from the usual "lone chair" picture. ^_^
I was thinking I needed sunglasses to look at some of these photos with the colors so bright and vibrant!
I remember desks like that ...
Cool :3
Poor little piggy. And the other animals :(
It has a foreboding look to it - a portent of what was to come....destruction.
And the shades are still on these lamps!
Hey, I like this layout with the lone red toothbrush in the middle.