276 Comments for Horace Mann School (KC)

need a good moping
Looks like a sillohuette painting more than a mural of sorts. Guess they had them stand around with their hands up and painted their shadows
Okay, why did they leave an entire librarys worth of books behind (or at least a good deal of them)? I mean really, thats really shameful wasting on whomever owned this place.
First clothes,then a mattress,and now toothbrushes? Did the Christian school kids live inside? Or were schools back in the day equppied with toothbrushes for the kids?
I wonder why the paint over the doors is fresher looking? I mean, it wouldnt make sense that someone had been repainting it after the place was abandoned, nor would it make sense if the christian school repainted the building but only certain parts like those instead of just everything
That periodic table now is like looking at really old globes. Seeing what isnt there or what has changed is always fun....and why is there a mattress and a pot here?
I really shouldnt have been eating when i looked at this DX I do not want to picture how that would smell now with most of the alchohol gone
That paint makes me feel quesy and sick. That is way too sickly a shade to be appealing
Damn they really just didnt care what shape this place was in when it closed. This is such a mess it is a miracle you could even get into that room. Or half the rooms here by the look of it
Did they just say "f**k it, we cleaned what we could, lets just throw the rest of the stuff away in the rooms"? I mean this is an awful cleanup job.
It's nice seeing all the chalkboards still have writing on them. It's as if they walked out of class one day but never returned
Thats a nice bicycle. I hope someone got it out before the building burned down....and are those booth seats piled underneath the basketball goal?
Ugh that red paint is WAY too vibrant!
Heh there is an ad for used pianos on this page now. Fits the picture perfectly X3
I'm guessing that the seat covers mightve been for the classes seating areas during events