The Exit sign is a lighted sign for emergencies, it will have a battery power supply that triggers it to go on when the power keeping it charged fails. The Out/In I presume was to regulate the kiddies in daily operations of the school.
Ohhh...oh..oh. OK Awesome picture really because i still do not understand how it looks and i like that - makes all better, the pondering FTW.
Thank you so very much flushed awesome learning event celebration, with descriptions and all, honestly...never gave it a lot of thought before....what a site
It's a lab desk - they have built-in sinks so you can wash out your glassware and dissection tools without having to wait in line for the other classmates.
Yeah I didn't notice a water line here, or in the Dixie Brewery which is only a few blocks away. I presume this area was at a higher elevation.
The yellow poster is an illustration of an apple with the world continents inside, hung upside-down. Can't make out the text though, too far away.
Thanks all! This new gallery was the best present ever!
These places become just like friends - and i check them out. Nothing growing anywhere - so guess this place is pretty dry - and that is a good this, is it not???? And it is sealed up now, also. Did they paint the piano blue? Or - what IS IT? Really like this school.
LucieLou, I believe you are correct. LEAP was/is an acronym like SAT scores. I think successful scores on LEAP were necessary to advance to grade 9. The 2005-2006 School year had started 1 or 2 weeks ahead of "Katrina".
Sorry forgot to paste the link\
Look at the pics on this wkipedia page
Google maps shows it sealed now. Appears to have the windows sealed with the metal things that allow air to circulate. Still looks beautiful.
Exit and In is rather an oxymoron.
Happy Birthday Eldokid!!! Make it the best ever!
Ohh the blue...it is light cerulean, the Sky Question again - what dreamers at this place - or a cool art teacher?
And so these carried The Water - VERRRY heavy high up in the ceiling. Now this really is an interesting happening for me.