1,320 Comments for Undercliff State Hospital

very cool sink...seems to be a throw back to the 20-30's..I'd love it.
yeah, what gives on the color of these bulbs?
that light is in remarkably good condition

and the prize for redundant self evident comentary goes to....
Wow, you're not kidding!
That's VERY f*cking impressive!
This is one of the most impressive photos on this site.
Yeah, records and history interest me too. I use to read the job applications at The Chamberlin Hotel, on Fort Monroe. In Virginia, Motts you should check it out. It was burned down in the 1920's and they rebuilt it. Nobody did repair work on it though. They are about to gut it out. Rebuild it, and make it into some other building. But yeah, its really cool. Theres a casket on the 8th floor. And I even found a pair of yellow and brown stained panties on the 8th floor. Quite nasty, yes. We left then though.
I use netscape every day and I would be lost without it... Remember that Mozilla and Netscape were the first web browsers, developed by Jim Clark and the Mozilla team.
Interesting lighting fixture hanging there. Amazed at how much hardware and fixtures remain in the sites you tour, Motts. Its wonderful.
Is it just me or do there appear to be heads in the seats? Either way....fantastic pictures - great job!!
This pic reminded me of my 3rd grade classroom, same wastebasketr, and aweful colored furniture!!!
where's the ball gags and cat o' nine tails?
8`-) Very bad . . . but funny. 8`-)
ahh sick
this picture makes me sad...........
They appear to be fastened BOTH to the wall -and- the ceiling! Real '40s industrial tech design though...