141 Comments Posted by amanda

Actually it was storage of whiskey barrels
I visit here a couple of days ago , do not try to go over the fence. The police take their jobs seriously ! My friends and I were chased and caught for trespassing the site. The hospital is just amazing and beautiful.
when i was there in 2004 the dummy was laying on a stretcher or tble of some sort in the center of the gym surrounded by a circle of chairs.
wow, this is so sad :l
Yes, they definetly need a morgue because this was a "state school" and yes, people died while in the "state schools."
Funny how they seem to show themselves to some but not others...Well,anyways keep up the beautiful work. I am envious of your photo ability!
I would like to know Motts, if you have seen anything paranormal on all your treks in these places. The most active places are even active in the daytime! We just did the overnight ghost hunt at Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 2 weekends ago, and were not sure about if it would be "hollywood" or just nothing! We came out the next morning with a complete shakeup of our belief system... We saw and heard SO much we just can't explain away... Now, I'm in love with all these Kirkbride and other institutions of past.... Thanks for all your beautiful work and preserving our history!
Dont be surprised about religion in a Penitentury. Its whole meaning was penance by bible verses, hard manual labor and time alone....
would also bet the gas chamber. "everyone just come on into the shower to get clean!"
Those tags are not recent, I used to have one of those lil marking labeling things when I was little and i loved it! You set the dial to the letters you wanted then pressed the lil handle and out would come whatever you put it to say.. the letters were .. not sure of the right work.. not stamped but embedded maybe..
I have been to this hospital several times and have so much to discuss but it's too much to type and I've always been worried to tell my story because of non believers. I would really to talk to people that believe and have seen this madness first hand. Please reach me at pandabaylor@aol.com