1,320 Comments for Undercliff State Hospital

Ahhhhh...when netscape was $90 a share and actually worked.
All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers and portrayers, each another's audience inside the guilded cage.
Hell yeah it's creepy - I just picture walking along this path and all of a sudden a figure steps into it way ahead...
this would be a great place to shoot a video for my band!
what a relaxing color - it goes well with the BARS ON THE WINDOWS!
What a shame.
Seems like it could of been so long ago.... Sadly it hasn't been that much time passed.
Wow, where do you work?

[edit: Ah ok, I read your other comment. That's still pretty crazy... ]
thing like this happen often where i work!!
i work in texas with the mentaly retarded and illness and this is horrible!! These records left out like is prison time for whom ever did not destroy them!!!

[admin edit: fixed it :) ]
Because nobody wants decade old software and hundreds of pounds of old receipts. It's easier to let it rot.
Wow! Talk about the violation of privacy laws! Leaving those things out where anyone can get to them is illegal. Some official is goofing off. You ought to inform some reporter about that, especially one that works in a gossip rag, and then watch the fur fly.
I wonder why everything was just left behind?
Beautiful color!!
This is so creepy looking that it's not even funny. I love the black and white contrast....