1,320 Comments for Undercliff State Hospital

Freakin Sweat!
Oh man, still active motion sensors? I love that sort of stuff! You have to wonder though, if the place closed down and is supposedly abandoned, why would there still be power? Someone must still be paying for electricity to run the lights. Also, Motts, were these motion sensors the only things stilla ctive? Was there power in the rest of the building? If not, what section was this? It actually looks in fairly well preserved shape compared to the rest of the shots.
It is a hole from something that was removed, quite possibly for resale or scrap when the facility closed.
Is that a rotted hole in the floor to the left?
no, not saying, and no ;)
wow, did you read any of those? where is this place? is it easy to get into? hard to believe that an adandoned place like that that is accessible isn't all vandalized and trashed. intersting shoot!
seems to be running short on the 2nd o
What kinda surgery did these guys do? i heard they did lobotomies! don't like the sound of thatmuch! (this is an incredible site!! like the photography!)
This photo reminds me of an orphange I was in when I was 5. Catholic nuns took care of us in New Britain Connecticut. Lots of sick things went on behind closed doors....
I salute you bird!
was he killed by the "poop"
Gosh, my english sucks, epecially when there's som alcohol in my blood. (I'm from Sweden!).
Nice pic btw :)
I actually thought about it erlier when I looked about some of your other pictures.. Shouldn't there be more dead animals in abandoned places?
it's the same thing at letchworth village. tons of patient files just laying around. even some pictures of patients with the files... even dental x-rays!