1,320 Comments for Undercliff State Hospital

yeah it does look like there is someone there....with the exit sighns it is like you find the sign but never find the exit...just lots and lots of signs
People Order Our Patties.
i hope it wasn't written in... you know what
(Funral music)
I don't think I'd explore with anyone who writes with their feces... I have some strange acquaintances, but not that strange!
im not a big fan of poo obviosly all you guys are and dude, where do u work!
There is no place like home..................................
I hope you read some of them, interseting!!!!!
did you go ALONE? perhaps one of your "buddies" Motts, may have been messing with you, either that or this is some crude spelling game done by Quasimodo.
......makes ya wonder what they taught.....
It looks like a scene from Cold Creek Manor
funny looking tiles, talking of chicken its exactly the pattern of "chicken wire"
looks a little like a tree creeper...
This is where Kentucky Fried chicken get's all of their chickens. He's looks like a nice box of popcorn chicken.

And his wings will be thrown into a 10 Piece bucket meal, with smashed ma-natoes and gravy.
Ahh, who gives a shit!
If anyone has any information on Asylum locations that contain Art by the patients, please contact me. I am mostly interested in non copywritten material but am incredibly interested in any material related to Mental Institution Art Therapy, copywritten or not. Thank you kindly.