1,320 Comments for Undercliff State Hospital

This chair should have ducked. Let this be a lesson to us all.. when someone yells duck, duck!
What a slap in the face to the inmates..err.. patients, an EXIT sign brightly lit at the end of each hallway. It's an exit alright, just not for you, and we'd like to emphasise that.
Im loosing my balance just looking at that!

*falls off chair* owie... I think I hurt myself.
No, the correlation to chicken wire wasn't intentional when I shot it, although it did pass through my brain after looking at it on the computer.
*gasp* :( What a sad picture, even for a Felyne.

Chopsuey... it is the same pattern as chicken wire, huh. When you look at it that way, it makes a very bold new statement..... was that your intention Motts or just pure coincidence?
to kill a mockingbird.....
CAS...you make me laugh!!! :-)
Well except when the patients were being bad they would dunk them in a vat of red paint and then subject them to shock therapy at industrial settings and then to top it off they would give them a lobotomy, twice.
I promise you that colors were never intentionally used "against" patients. Promise, promise, promise.
You never realize how depressing the colors they used were. For instance this hall a patient that had to frequently use it would always cause a sadness. It is interesting how they used colors against the patients.
Did you open any Motts?
i like that color
woah im making a mental hospital for a diorama and this has helped me to know that the walls must be coloured.. and not cream like mine
"A building with power often deters vandals and thieves/scrappers."

So that must be why this place looks so clean...
Power was supplied to the lights and outlets in most places except the theater/rec center, but the heat and water was cut off everywhere. A skeleton crew still enters and maintains the building 6 days a week according to a log book I found...

A building with power often deters vandals and thieves/scrappers.