i absolutely love this stuff, i mean it is horrible that this is happening and tha this stuff is being left behind.it almost adds to the eeriness of buildings when things are left behind. i know an old hospital in jersey is left almost untouched. the tables and bedds are there, medical records, surgical equipment laid out on the tray infront of operating tables, doctors white lab coats, everything. it looks like they cleared out fast. i am planning on going to as many places as i can this summer and exploring them all, i'm going to take pictures and videos as much as i can, if anyone has any places to go please let me know, i'd also be more than hapy to share pictures and or videos i take while on one of my trips. please contact me - weirdgirl11491@comcast.net
if any of them places happen to be in jersey that would be absolutely amazing! not just mental hospitals, anything really. thanks
Trying to turn anything in to the police is likely to get you a fine or even a jail sentence. Motts, I really would black out the names on those pics for both the sake of the patients' privacy and also for your own sake legally.
The records are kept under tight security, especially from those who would most benefit from them (family members) while an institution is operational. I've seen pic after pic of highly confidential files just left out in the open when the buildings are abandoned. There are a number of reasons for this. The worst part though is that the Doctors and Admin. KNOW that many times their treatements are not successful and they fear legal action, etc. They NEVER give up the records to family or other "outsiders" unless forced to by the courts.
Before fumbling around in those boxes, note the pipes above them wrapped in asbestos. What do you think is in the dust that is coating those boxes-just waiting for a microscopic flake to get into your lungs and kill you five years from now. Mesothileoma is the medical term.
"Neheheheheh, that says poop! Neheheheh.