22 Comments Posted by tina

Made me sad when they tore it down. My Younger Brother and Oldest Son went to kindergarten there.
Looks like the inspiration for a scene in a game called "Resident Evil". :)
Excellent work! Loved the shots!
I believe the TB sanitarium Jane refers to is the next block over = Met County Hospital. It too, is gone. That was what was known as The Wellington House, a current existing Waltham historical building.
My grandmother was a resident there in the 1980's. She was an elderly black/indian woman named Lucille Williams. She passed away in 1988 or 89 while she was still in the hospital. I am trying to locate any information on her. My father has since passed and did not leave a lot of information on his mother. If anyone who worked there could give me any information please email me at simstm360@yahoo.com. Thanks
Really awesome set, which inspired me to comment for the first time. I appreciate that you've taken the time to learn about steel mills and how they work. The explanations make your pictures all the better!
Looks like a giant's plaything, carelessly tossed aside...
Impressive, and really gives you a sense of the sheer size of this place. Steel mills give a whole new meaning to the phrase "larger than life."
Lucie, if I remember correctly they hold several hundred tons of steel at a time...so yeah, they are pretty darn big. Poor deer didn't have a chance...
Mammabear, the ladle is lined on the inside with refractory brick, which is a type of ceramic that can withstand extremely high temperatures.
i absolutely love this stuff, i mean it is horrible that this is happening and tha this stuff is being left behind.it almost adds to the eeriness of buildings when things are left behind. i know an old hospital in jersey is left almost untouched. the tables and bedds are there, medical records, surgical equipment laid out on the tray infront of operating tables, doctors white lab coats, everything. it looks like they cleared out fast. i am planning on going to as many places as i can this summer and exploring them all, i'm going to take pictures and videos as much as i can, if anyone has any places to go please let me know, i'd also be more than hapy to share pictures and or videos i take while on one of my trips. please contact me - weirdgirl11491@comcast.net
if any of them places happen to be in jersey that would be absolutely amazing! not just mental hospitals, anything really. thanks
i remember when i use to run through the hotel. My father owned myers bar in fallsburg and was good friends with the manager of the hotel. I miss that pace so much i wish they would reopen it.. The winters i would go sking, it makes me cry when i see the pictures and the hotel in life.
looks scarey like really scarey!
why poop?
The clouds in the sky only make it better.