1,320 Comments for Undercliff State Hospital

I loved this site and the hallway with the exit signs was both frightnening and inspirational.
thanks so much
oh, and I would have read a file or two...
working in this feild for only a years will be enough to desensitize you of nearly anything. I dont even blink when i get it thrown at me, i learned to just move out of the way if i cant prevent it in the first place.
FYI latex gloves are my best friends.
Oh how the mighty chairs have fallen to the wayside.

Signed: An American Soldier stationed in Mannheim, Germany.

1:08 A.M. / Saturday / 29 / July / 2007
Holy Crap is what "Raymond's" father would say! ;-)
Identity theft anyone?
"Peter Griffin from 'Family Guy' walks in:
"Neheheheheh, that says poop! Neheheheh.""

Maybe with a "Holy Crap"! thrown in!
If you go to the Paul Devers Mental Asylum in Taunton, MA, the patient's files are left in the middle of the floor in the cellar. People just forget, I suppose, must not be a big deal, if they cared at some point, they don't know because as it turns out, they're dead. go figure, right?
Wonderful picture, I love the startling contrast.
the house i grew up in had a sink twice this size with a built in counter and soap dish it was an easy ten feet long
my high school still used netscape one some of the computers and i just graduated last year that tells you how far behind we were
I just found another poop artist on Flickr...

That's a 1960's/70's color combo.
Doggonnit! Reminds me of the dentist's office.
Here's what would be fun:
1. Take boxes.
2. Find a busy sidewalk.
3. Remove lid and let papers fly.
(Just joking, of course.)
Reminds me of the rehab. hospital my dad worked for about 7 years ago. Everyting was that mint green color.