538 Comments for Kahlenbergstift

Ever heard "In Old Yellowcake" by Rasputina..?
The beautiful, jewel-like aspect of many of the photographs in this series was especially appealing. And thank you, sir, for often taking the time to leave informative comments about the pics you take and the sites you visit. I LIKE having my curiosity assuaged. Excellent gallery.
Betty Boop suite upstairs. Dungeon in the basement. Was this a brothel at any point?
Silly clothes you go in the dryer not under it. You are not even clean.
Beautiful shot!!
I don't care about the titles either way, I love the work! I would rather Motts spends his time producing these great shots. so if Mr Motts wants to and enjoys doing the work to hid the titles great, but it is the photos I come here for w/ or w/o titles.
Looks like a peep hole at the top of the door!
I love your titles also, they are very thought provoking. It feels like those pipes are alive.
Wow, this DOES look like a cozy room.
This looks like only the top half of the room burned?
My stomach dropped when I saw this picture, just like on a roller coaster!
I'd love to see what those windows look like from the outside. The room has such a strange shape.

Hey Bobo - the hosptial I work in is 136 years old and the OR has 9 ft windows in every suit. I think it was incase the power went out.
I can't believe how high the ceilings are. It's beautiful.
oh Kathy, you made me giggle so much my co-workers are staring.
Thanks Grumpy Ole Artist, you said it perfectly.