538 Comments for Kahlenbergstift

I like that you can see the moden, living world outside as a contrast to the decaying world of yesterday inside.
Well, sometimes it seems like I'm living in the wrong part of Germany. We do not have anything amazing like THIS down here.
lol A D, and that perfect soot line is weird, how could it've burned that way?
Much appreciated for the information and share!
Thank you Grumpy. :) I get very artistic and poetic when I look at these pictures. They ARE a form of art, and they are very inspiring indeed! :) I love looking at the little details to see if I missed anything the first time around. :)
The OR is on the 6th floor with ICU. ER and morgue are on the main floor. All empty now. The basement is full of underground tunnels to other buildings like the nurses residents and a children hospital . It's a pretty cool old place but almost empty now. Only my department and 2 others.
One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small,
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all.
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall.

White Rabbit Lyrics by Jefferson Airplane
thank you Jernfurdle, was on the ground floor ?
lol Kathy, but should there be a pole on stage then
Oh DAMN!!!!! you made me do again lol
LOL of mouse and ben
your pocket protector is in the mail mama :)
yes it's good to check back on your posting
Right behind you Mama, wwwhhhheeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice Mama...There are a quite a few poetic people hanging around here, aren't there?! Motts creativity just naturally inspires folks,
I guess....It's good to be da king!