14 Comments Posted by OfMiceAndBen

Betty Boop suite upstairs. Dungeon in the basement. Was this a brothel at any point?
Silly clothes you go in the dryer not under it. You are not even clean.
I figured it out. So they boarded and bricked up all the doors so they could use the doors to board up the windows! Brilliant!
Flavor? Were you licking the walls again?
Looks like someone tried to write something vulgar, but didn't have enough columns.
My dad does model railroading and those maps are exactly how the modelers map their switches as well.
Sale! Sale! SALE! Come on down to the abandoned asylum for prices on chairs so low we must be crazy!
Wow this building really is on it's last leg.
Looks like somebody dumpd a couple gallons of lime kool-aid on the floor. Silly janitors Kool-aid is for drinking not cleaning.
Looks like the teal ones are normal rooms the pink is the ladies room and dark blue is the mens room. If I had to wager a guess that is.
Who left the facet on?
Jeeze, how far away do you have to stand to make that an even remotely effective test?
What do you suppose fell on that railing to bend it like that?
All it needs is a Lego Motts climbing in the window.