538 Comments for Kahlenbergstift

Oops sorry about that! :D That does look like one wild ride! I think Six Flags should make a ride JUST like this!!! It can be a combination funhouse/slide-ride! Anyone wanna join me? Wheeee!
That's just bizarre! When you say they are close you really mean it.
and very cool barrel vault ceilings. Doesn't look like these were ever retro-fitted with a dropped ceiling.
What a horrible title, I hate it. Oh, wait a minute that seems pretty spot on. My bad.
Keep the titles. A true genius should be able to look past them and still come up with their own title.
Those colors and paint scheme probably mandated in a soviet procedure manual.
a very ominous looking window ....
That "grey guy" is Betty Boop's pimp!
I am German but even I can't make out what the writing on the door says....all I can read is "komm doch RAN du Bit..." and that thing at the end...it end's with a Z and maybe starts with a T but the rest, I can't seem to recognize it. Well when you say "komm doch" it's a dare. Like someone dares you to go in there. And the RAN...it either is an abbreviation for something, or it can mean "here" or "closer" So basically it means "I dare you to come here/closer you...." the rest I can't make out...at first I thought that B-word meant Bitch but who knows...Bitch is not an unusual word for us here ever since MTV's Chapelles show and various rappers i.e. Eminem and so on.
Awesome room
Short door..creepy. What was up with those?
That's clearly Betty Boop's stage. ;)
Yeah, sorry Genius...I love Mr. Motts' titles as well! I really like when he gives us a little description as well.

Keep your titles, Mr. Motts!!!! Like Grumpy Ole Artist said, you took 'em, you name 'em!!!
LOL Jernfurdle!

Seriously, WHAT were they trying to keep in there? Creeeeeeeeppy. And thanks...now I want waffles too. Tomorrow morning...I just ate dinner, lol.
LOL Lucie! How true. ;)