ReedSavory, cool info, that is so neat that you had family that actually worked at danvers, did your mother ever talk about how it looked inside, was it as beutiful inside as out?
My mother, Peggy (Pierce) Savory did a year of her nursing residency at Danvers State. I believe the year would have been around 1964 or 1965. She too remembers the ring of keys... and "those damn creepy tunnels that ran under everything".
Bonus factoid - My mother's grandparents (the MacDonals) owned the farm that existed where the Tara Hotel and Golf course now are (until the property was taken by the State during the "widening" of Rt 95). My mother's parents lived on and worked the farm, which is where my mother and her siblings all grew-up.
And yes, they could see the spires of Danvers State from the farm nearly every day, looming over them from the higher hills.
WOW! You might be right. I definitely respect your opinion. Kirkbrides are my favorite buildings and to choose a "Grand Daddy" or an "Above the rest," that's just way too tough. I will say Buffalo State, Worcester, and Greystone are up there with Danvers architecturally.
Judge Howard Whitehead, who heard the oral arguments from the Danvers Preservation and the parties DCAM, Danvers Town Manager, Avalonbay and William Galvin Historic State Commission of Mass. Judge has more than likely been bought out by Avalonbay. Avalonbay has been paying people off to buy the hospital, Avalonbay refuses to speak anything regarding the decision nor does the judge want to comment, it is all closed doors. The deal was sale out since the day it started, it is a crooked sale.
Avalonbay will regret this later down the road but for you all want to view a up coming site, go at: there will be photos of Avalonbay and everything Avalonbay will despise what is said, they will feel the fuming people when more and more hate sites what Avalonaby did to Danvers State Hospital, also Department of Capital Asset Management of Mass.
It's great to hear from someone who had the experience of working there. It's strange that so many people who have come to this site have acted as if no one was monitoring these boards. It becomes easier and easier to see why UE folks work the way they do, and sad for all of us when people come onto these web sites bragging about destroying parts of these fabulous structures.
I know eveyone would be interested to hear what you think about when you see some of these pix.
I had the honor of previously working for the security compnay that used to watch over DSH. I was one of the lucky few that had 90% unrestricted free roam of the grounds. ( inside was off limits life or limb restrictions) I never got anyone arrested but have asked alot of people to leave. I drove by the site the other day and two of thw wing buildings were gone. The hospital bld gone- I am still amazed how the Grey Gables is still standing, man you sneeze to close to that building and it creaks. My opinion they should have spent the money and restored the buildings or at least part of them and charged admission. How may people that have read the comments or have submitted a comment would refuse to pay 20.00 to walk around inside thebuilding. I swear there are some pretty dumb people that we call the powers that be....