306 Comments Posted by TOM

Beware of avian flu and zoonotic diseases up there. Pigeon shit ain't no joke.
At least the room's private and not crowded with 3 other beds. Could be worse,.
How many layers of paint do you think are on that wall and what was the base color? Paint archeaology, I see blue, pink, and institution green near the bottom layers. How far down do you go before you get to the lead based paint?
Does any one know what floor this is on because we went all the way up and couldn't find it
The Salmon building has been demolished. It is gone forever.
The holocost is a night mare I just can't believe it's really happening like this the suffering tourcherr and torment is just unimaginable I lay in bed all day and all night in a poison induced daze I can barly get around to feed myself my home is a garbage pit I lay in bed day in day out feeling very I'll frome the slow eurthanishia posion I get no sympathy for my suffering no one knows about the holocost or Evan cares
Psyschiarty is the science of genocide. Psyschiarty is a parodoxal holocaustic governing enomaly. Psyschiarty is a governing philosophy that governs the population like a herd of kattle thinning the heard and killing of the defective and weak. Psyschiarty is the ofical unofical party of the nazie party thate represent itself not through congress but through health care  we are not a sovereign country nor do we have the wright to self govern we have lost controll of our facilities and coustidalships  and constitunality is all but a dream this nazie governing science bypases the general house court and uses a Heath care court to inforce the psoudoscience of psyschiarty the poor elderly and disabled are in holocaustic rouin and dispair this is an economic black hole we are bound by international law to practice socioal hygiene we have been socially politicaly refacalatded by n w o copret nazie bank entity certain party's desing genocide with this science in third world nations where constition is null and government weak this is done to gain raw resources for the manufacturing base this unstablizes area  your birth certificate number the bank the national dept and psyschiatric camps in America it is is said that there is ninty percent of world gold trust in hidden nAzie volt all related to the practice of psyschiarty the FCC has reserved frequencies with FEMA  so every one can have a nano nonconcentuas psyschotronic cybernetic transceiver implant connected to world mind collective to world governing main frame the mind will thin out into the collective making man primative psychiatrist in the past have gained nonconcentious license to treat drinking water in poor neighborhoods this was done with the idea to bring down the crime rate       We are in a health care crisis and intidalments are being pillaged by this holocaustic crisis  the house must be overruled and bills and legslator must be passed law suit must take place by high counsel a holocaustic reaquisition must take place the dead lock must be opened so thate the masive back log of cival and criminal suits will burey them in an avalanche  now thanks to Obama care we are going to have death panels  the doctors on this panel support the euthanasia of lives unworthy of life they are real nazie doctors of death the practice of psyschiarty is used in nursing homes to cut back on staff and to get a better bed turnaround  what Obama care does is implement death panel doctors thate gain power Heath care court of probate this is a court thate we would care not to recognize this court euthanized billions and continue to do so the fraze mental illness was first used in the German health care court to separate the feeble minded out of the population for the t4 medical euthanishaia program
Stunning simply stunning..
was there told the cop that we were coming from the factories behind lol
i was here last week we took some photos and saw some pretty weird thingd like silowettes of ppl on doorways when no one else was in the room besides us and weird noises its freaky man
Should ask mots can you get that film I will pay for you to ship it to me. I am total up to save films and have done many in my time.
16mm film is still made today.
I own new 16mm projectors. I will bet that film if not warped is in ok shap to show. I would clean the film first with film cleaner.If it is on unstable stock it might still be able to run once cleaned and checked. I saved many films from the 1940 to today. If it is a color print in on kodak film it is most or almost going to be red by now. Kodak film is junk still is today.

Wish I could get that can of film I would try to save it an up load it to youtube. Also the can looks 70's to me but I just got a bunch of new cans that look just like that one. lol
Even Though I Just heard about Dixmont I wish it was still there.
Wouldnt that be funny your shopping at the new Wal-Mart and you see a ghost in a Wal-Mart Uniform Saying "Wal-Mart Save Money Live Better".
I Will miss Dixmont.
I love pics of abandoned buildings, but because all the historic photos were provided, it made it all so desperately sad. The building was gorgeous not that long ago - it is so strange what change can do to a place.
I live not even a block from the asylum, I can see it from my front door. It is an absolutely gorgeous building. H.H. Richardson was a master of his craft.