1 Comments Posted by dman

I had the honor of previously working for the security compnay that used to watch over DSH. I was one of the lucky few that had 90% unrestricted free roam of the grounds. ( inside was off limits life or limb restrictions) I never got anyone arrested but have asked alot of people to leave. I drove by the site the other day and two of thw wing buildings were gone. The hospital bld gone- I am still amazed how the Grey Gables is still standing, man you sneeze to close to that building and it creaks. My opinion they should have spent the money and restored the buildings or at least part of them and charged admission. How may people that have read the comments or have submitted a comment would refuse to pay 20.00 to walk around inside thebuilding. I swear there are some pretty dumb people that we call the powers that be....