is the green from fluorescent paint? looks like it goes from yellow in you light to green in the dark areas. cool shot
I'm feelin vertiginous!!! And Kinda Yucky in my tummy!
Would probably suck tremendously to get locked in there by accident
Yeah, it'd probably suck to fall over the side of that
Awesome picture!

@Gothzilla: That was my first though when looking at this photo!
Keep up the great work!!
But I have to say - a very very good pic, would be a perfect cover for a book! I esp. love the colors!
Omg - a hospital in GERMANY and no gas-chamber - could this be possible?!?

Welcome stereotype :)
I definitively vote for decoration, my former school and many buildings from that era are decorated that way.
Oh, wow, I´ve been to an abanedoned hospital in Essen (demolished now, sadly) and there were the same windows-through-walls. It suprised me when I saw them there because I´d never seen such, and now you photograph them in Berlin too. this picture looks exactly like one I made in Essen.
:) Nice point of view about Germany but unfortunately I have to admit that graffiti is very common here, esp. in places like these and if they are acessable. The most abandoned places I have been looked the same or even worse, sad it is. I think young guys who go there to party or spray don´t care much about the german image of beeing clean and organized ;)
It's like a DOUBLE soap dispenser!
This is a very beautiful shot, Mr. Motts. The angle, lighting and color are flawless to the eye. True "eye candy".
Love the tile!