Kind of sceary. Do you get afraid sometimes , Mr Motts ?

...there was a crooked man, who had a croocked house...
All I could think of...
..."so many people stare at me, so few actually say hello"..
wow this is amazing
ty motts grate shots
is that a peep hole on the door???????????
grate shot mr motts
The angle in this is really cool!
I dig the color contrast.
I vote morgue cause it's the cooler option ;)
what is it with you guys and soap dispensers
This photo actually made my stomach drop, imagining the actual drop in the staircase. Heights are not my friend. :-) Good shot, Motts.
nick, which other system were they supposed to use?
Personally, I like the red. Whatever the thought behind using the color in a hospital was, though...
There is one thing I like about Germany. It is harder there to tear down historic buildings than it is here in the states. With all the base closures the reason the Germans are finding it hard to find investors is because some of them were German bases before they were American bases. so they are not allowed to be torn down due to historic significance.
Like ln the 60s to 67,I was a pacient at Pilgrim state mental hospital and I suffer a lot of abuse and still today I'm tramatized from that tortures and horror.