145 Comments for Hartford Drive-In

We had an old drive in in my town for years when I was a kid. It was never used, but they had the local flea market and the circus there every year. Then, walmart bought it up and built a Sams and a supercenter.
My Grandfather had a drive in for 20 years down here in N.C.
I saw Sleeping with the enemy on this screen when it first came out. I was probably 8. But wow.
great shot
There is a drive-thru (I think) still across the river, over in West Quincy in Missouri. I know that it had been closed for some time when the Great Flood of '93 ruined a good portion of the low-lying land over on that side of the river, and I believe now that if the screen is still there, it is being used as a billboard advertising the idea that apparently, "Jesus Lives!"
i've never been to a drive-in before... but this seems cool! lol
there was one in Leicester, Mass. Now its a Super Wal-Mart. (I think)
yes yes How I loved those signs! I still miss the original Holiday Inn sign. How colorful they were as any other drive in sign.
Very cool. I happen to live about 10 minutes from that site (it's now gone), and never actually saw it from the front. Excellent shots!
KRISTARA, I sign up on the book petition, I've already tried it by my self without results, so I guess you'll never get a kilo until you have a thousand!!!... please Motts... calculate the costs, count your visitors, publish yourself and everybody happy... very happy!
Praise the Lord it was finally shut down!!!... that nest of filth!!!... the movie was the last thing important here... the unmatchable beauty of "The Sound of Music" corrupted by those teen's first painful pleasure moans!!!

by the way... I feel more contemporary about that last film featured here... THE FLINTSTONES is my guess.
looks very very proffesional... not like walmart degree proffesional... like yale or harvard degree professional... or whatever photography school would be the equivilent of yale or harvard or some other massive ivy league...

I loves it! Nice shot Motts!!
they used a crane level that place i think
great pics memories of driving down the pike and seeing it such a shame its been torn down and there are houses there now :( but thank u for posting these.