1,162 Comments for Cherry Knowle Hospital

I couldn't help but notice the 'Top Rank' logo on there. I know they made records and movies, but hospital equipment???
Nah, not cottage cheese.. SOAP!
That is so tripped out looking! One of my favorites!
That little guy is on the move, isn't he? ;)
Yes, I would think art as therapy would be excellent in places like this. I assume that they made their pots/sculptures and gave them to a supervisor to fire for them....I couldn't imagine patients having access to these types of things(kilns).
Some of the art I have seen photos of in these galleries(mostly murals on walls) is astounding. The art is so good...I often wonder if the patients painted them or if an outside artist was hired to paint them? I mean the perspective and colors and everything are great in them, you know? :)
Well, Doc, I've been having some problems lately....
Can I tell you about it? Yes?
Well, it all started when I was born....
Was this a view from the window? How awesome !!!
While not a big fan of grafitti, I like the way he's peeking out from behind the corner.
I love this painting. It's sort of odd and very colorful.
Motts, is this infrared with post color adjustment in photoshop? Or what? How'd you get the orange?
Thank you for yet another great gallery Motts, it's always well worth the wait! :-)

Stay safe!
Wow! Perfection Motts!
Is this plastic surgery before or after?
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" is a translation from Dante Aleighiri's The Devine Comedy (written in the 1300s). It is the inscription above the gates of hell.
This picture took my breath away