609 Comments for Rathen State Hospital

Not even half surviving...wow. Some odds...

I place $50 on NOT LIVING PAST THE OPERATION please...

I would rather a zombie get me...
Poor autoguy...well, maybe that means something BIGGER is coming along for you soon!! Maybe you will be cast as a HEAD Zombie (get it...HEAD...brains...okay BAD pun)...

:D I can just see a zombie dragging a fresh kill down this corridor..*eeeehhhhhh...brraiiiiinnns at lassstttt" lol.
Derr....autoguy? If that looks like your bathroom floor, I would say that you are in desperate need of a...maid perhaps...or a bathroom remodling company?

(Don't hurt me...>.>)
Humm...that makes sense, now that I think about it!
LOL autoguy--those faces sort of DO make me feel like I'm trippin' LOL!

ACID TRIP! WHOOOO!!!! (I missed the 1960's just by a couple of years so I never got to experience them...too bad.)
HI BKW!!! I am around, just enjoying another Motts' Gallery. :)

OK that peeling paint on that front door looks like a giant RAT sitting up on its hindquarters...Eechh. I think I saw this building in my dream the other night Mr. Motts...it WAS on fire though. Weird. I have Motts on the brain lol!
>.> Now why didn't I see THAT one coming Autoguy lol.

You are right though. If a building is kept shut up tight against the elements, then decay will take a LOT longer to take hold...but then again, it wouldn't be ABANDONED if someone is taking the care and the time to make sure all the weather outside stays there now would it? :) JUST SAYIN'. :D
WELCOME BACK AUTOGUY! We missed you and were wondering where you've been! :)

I can almost hear my one friend saying what you typed. He is sort of effeminate if you know what I mean, but he is a great interior decorator!! He can turn drab into fab in a heartbeat, honey. :D
Mr. Motts this is one helluva great gallery Thank You
I guess i will add that "repositioning" a trauma victim helps clear lung secrections and prevents pneumonia. As Lynne posted so much in the past prescription drugs helped many psych patients return home or to monitored bungalow living. For you younger folks war time often leads the way to medical advancement. Unforturnately you have a consitent healthy base of mostly healthy adults. WWII, brought us penicillin and led to modern antibiotics. During the Vietnam years we learned the granddaddy of modern burn care. The middle eastern conflicts have brought about modern care for CHI ( closed head injury). SAD to post but very true.
Guys Stryker bed frames were often found in "modern burn care centers", I have not finished the gallery but we might see a "circolectric yet".. Mostly these beds have been replaced by modern "alternating pressure pads. On the stryker there was a hole on the top side so the patient could use the bedpan. Of course the top was rotated to the bottom. no torture at all if you have a large body surface area affected, It was/ is, much easier to rotate the patient in the frame , than to have 2 people push and pull a person with painful large body surface area burns. Claudia's information is entirely correct as well. Thanks for posting Claudia.
This photo is fantastic.
Well said, Tenebris.
This one's gorgeous!
Outstanding! Thnx as always!