4,224 Comments for Northampton State Hospital

you know what, I'm going to become a million-gazzilionaire, and buy all these hospitals. Then we can have cute little get togethers and go exploring together! Haha, it would be like one of those tacky family gatherings from the 50's, except with a strange twist.
No dear, those are star streaks from a long exposure shot. The lens is open long enough to capture the motion of the stars, which is to slight for us dumb, slow humans to pick up on! :D
Someone come steal the windows with me ^_^.
You know on a more serious note, a lot of this hospitals would be a fantastic place for a college. I mean connect two patient rooms, and you have the size of a small dorm room surely. And the theaters could be re-used, oh an with a little renovations in the tunnels you cold use them to transport students to other builidings on the campus in the winter so you wouldn't have to have cold grumpy kids. Although it would take a great deal of moeny to fix up these places, you could really do a lot of good if you turned one into a college. It makes perfect sense...Ohio University (I think) used part of an old hospital to make into a campus, and it's quite beautiful. I think Danvers needs a college. :)
Did the ceiling just, fall off?
Were there really meteors?
Why the mesh? Was there a place down there that live patients went to?
What?? Are.. you... Doing here?
this equipment was all located under the main entrance, correct?
Yep,after a while those dead people would start to smell, plus the hassle of stepping over them all the time. I agree with Serrena, leave dead people alone, and they probably won't bother you either.
Lynne, if you ever want to "transliate" the other way, try Gizoogle, it's good for a laugh.
Those colors are soooo amazing!
Reminds me of the Green Lantern.

"He's coming to save me!!!"
Translation: I must say that I am extremely enamoured with your photography! Such an unusual picture and such a unique theme! I am most appreciative of your artistic talent and I commend you for it.
Thanks, y'all - I didn't have time to hit my head - I was too busy pokin' my eyes out so I didn't have to look at it again. Have we given any thought to "most unusual comments" awards this year?