33 Comments Posted by acuteward

i'm not sure of the legislation in the UK, but here in Australia drugs and poisons are classified using a drug schedule, which currently runs from S2 to S9. The S1 classification, which is now defunct, was for "substances which are of such extreme danger to life as to warrant their being supplied only by medical practitioners, nurse practitioners authorised...pharmacists, dentists, veterinary surgeons or persons licensed..."
(thanks wikipedia!)

S2 - Pharmacy medicine
S3 - Pharmicist-only medicine
S4 - Prescription-only medicine
S5 - Caution
S6 - Poison
S7 - Dangerous Poison
S8 - Controlled Drug
S9 - Prohibited Substance

just a bit of info. :)
another excellent gallery motts.
Awww.... cute.
Thanks Lynne and Big Ed.
I guess we also have to remember that in the days before chemical restraint and effective medications the most unwell people had no way to 'calm down' other than by physical means, which most likely made them even more aggressive and frightened.
What would extreme precautions consist of?
Of course it is
check this out Nancy


Disappointment?!, jealousy?!
Anyone that uses restraints is a bad,evil person. Especially those mothers using 5 point restraints on their children every time they put them in the car, or the nurses at the old folks home near you who restrain some residents when they use the toilet so that they don't fall off and break a hip. Bad, evil ...
what painting?!
I can see the dog and I can also imagine at least three faces. One woman in half profile just to the left of the dog, one face in full profile on the right near the black dot and one face near the lower window on the left. I'm not one of those "I see dead people"... but the longer I look at this picture the more faces I can imagine in the rotting paintwork.
Those are some freaky looking air-con ducts. Imagine being ill, already having problems with reality, and having to look at those all the time.
Why the mesh? Was there a place down there that live patients went to?
Aerosmith recorded "Draw The Line" on a 100 acre estate in Armonk NY which used to be a convent . It was owned at the time by a psychiatrist who wanted to turn it into a treatment centre for adolescents.
Considering that this place only closed ten years ago, I would guess that this area would have to be for criminally insane inmates. I mean, mentally ill people (that were not criminals) weren't locked up like that in 1996, were they?
Better not drop the soap