780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

Why are chairs always seen as lonely? If folks stopped shoving their smelly butt in my face and farting at me all the time, I'd be happy!
I think a big factor in addiction for many people is self-medication. The need to control some aspect of one's life, when there is so much that cannot be changed, and a desire to escape that sense of powerlessness also contribute....and they are probably all bound up together.

I have two problems with twelve-step programs. The first is the traditional opposition of the programs to the use of any psychotropic (mind-altering) drug, and the inclusion of prescribed medications like antidepressants and mood stabilizers in the category of "forbidden" substances.

The other problem I have is the whole concept of "powerlessness." If I were truly powerless over my addiction, how could I make the decision to end my abuse of substances and seek help in that regard?
It's hungry, have a seat!
Those big chips are some mighty good eatin'!
Props that never got used. Used to make the old "hair salon" trick look more convincing. After the lobotomy, they didn't care if they had hair, much less curls.
Uh-huh, the old "hair dryer" ruse. Those things are skull cutters for the lobotomies. They zip off the skull cap quick and easy, clean as a whistle. That old hairdo ploy worked every time!
It's been almost a year since I checked out your site so I am glad I have plenty of things to look at to keep me busy for a bit. I really ♥
looking at your work.
Best shot of the bunch.
Very nice shot and the exposure is perfect.
Love the blue in the background.
The one on the right is still salvagable.
Better smelling than the stool showcase in the next post.
That is a tangled toilet tower if I've ever seen one.
Sale! Sale! SALE! Come on down to the abandoned asylum for prices on chairs so low we must be crazy!
Wow this building really is on it's last leg.