4 Comments Posted by Nessa

It would be interesting to find out what was causing it, a hidden camera perhaps? lol.
C Ward makes me think if its asking if you are brave enough to follow the trial, or ar e you a Coward.
It's been almost a year since I checked out your site so I am glad I have plenty of things to look at to keep me busy for a bit. I really ♥
looking at your work.

I found your website by mistake yesterday.. rather strange but it was march 24th and I had just called in sick to work and cancelled the baby sitter, whose name is Irma...I know its rather reaching, but I felt I was meant to find this site. day 2 and I am halfway through all your tours...anyways, nice job, I enjoy this very much, and aaaah!!! all the pics with you (or other human forms)in them, when not expected make me jump!!!!