780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

The top remarks do bring a quick and crashing perspective, don't they? So much soul searching squashed by administrative ink...
I'm in love with that ceiling. Great stuff.
Ooh, what a great spiral in the paint!! The chairs do immediately bring to mind those pendants that little girls exchange - two halves of a heart that make a whole when placed side by side - "Best Friends". Awesome.
Before I saw the title of this shot, larva's exactly what I thought of.
Awessssssome shot.
The paint got tired...
That hairspray can is quite a little focal point. Amazing find.
Another simply gorgeous composition.
damn! i would have bought one! i dragged a wheelchair all over PCH trying to find the right lighting for a "session 9" shot and it still didn't come out good! lol
The hole for the clock has the same mounting holes for a circular wall speaker, so although it would make sense for a clock to be there. Its far more likely a speaker may have been used with the PA system or even with the TV (exp if the tv was behind plate glass). Its possible though that it was a clock, but even universally synced clocks have only a small hole for the wiring/motor and the rest of the clock sits outside the wall. This is for ease of installation.
the tin on the ceilings are worth allot of money, I saw someone with some of it on Antique Roadshow.
if you look in the mirror, it looks like theres a little kid peeking around the corner.....creepy!
Hmm, colours.
Nothing too bad so far, just an angry vulture or two defending a nest inside a building.
I asked my old friend Motts back in 1965 when he'd get a set of this place up. I guess he wanted it to age a little more. haha. The old Kirk was a dandy in her day, inside and out. Great research and splendid old photos.