780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

GREAT GALLARY!! Thank you for the one-day-after-my-birthday present! :)

This kind of reminds me of a college campus a little. I can't wait to see your next gallary! I will be here patiently waiting!
See, that chair is soooo happy to see Mr. Motts that it is jumping for joy! it doesn't even appear to be touching the wall, though it has to be. :)
Very nice. Love to see natural decay. It looks like the wall is grabbing the sofa.
Your left...your left...your left, right, left...

Line up for Formation! SOUND OFF SHOWER CHAIRS!
I love the hole on the wall behind the chair that has the shape of a small person laying at the same angle as the chair.. looks like they slid out.. o.O
OMG...my mom had a shower chair like that once she became so sickly that she couldn't stand well on her own. She died the year after we got her one. :(
Now that is just creeeepy! To think that some poor soul used to walk around on that... so sad and lonely...
Aw...poor orphan Geri-Chairs. Why didn't someone just donate them to a local nursing home? Were they that out-dated? I know when I worked in a nursing home, they were always scrambling for these chairs. There never seemed to be enough of them.
Eee...they look uncomfy! is that doorway REALLY that narrow?
*bricks even
Nice! I love the color of the brinks in the top corner. Is that the original color of them do you reckon?
These bring back a lot of memories. My mom & sisters used these nightly. I never understood how they could sleep with those digging in their skulls. I guess beauty has it's price. Thanks for the memories Motts.
Makes me want to get a bottle (or three) of Windex and wipe these windows down lol.

Outside, inside...inside, outside...

Nice capture though!
I agree. It almost looks as if the ceiling is bowing downward...or is that just the angle of the camera? I love the contrast of dark and light in this.