780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

I can't imagine all the shadowy places in this place...my imagination would be working overtime seeing all sorts of zombies...and creepy-crawlies....AAAAAAAAAH!
OMG. I hope so Mr. Motts! Otherwise I would be VERY scared right about now...especially because of how that ceiling looks. It almost looks burnt, though no fires have been reported here have they?

Dig that table sitting there too. :D
Well I couldn't get my fat you-know-what through that doorway lol!

I wonder if this was a dayroom-type room or something.
OOh yeah...now I see it! There are scratches like a grid on the wall.

It is hard to see past the ORANGE of this wall at first lol.
Your guess is as good as mine on WTH this means. ITE BUT AND SCH?

Huh...another cryptic message?
I think that chair is trying to escape...perhaps to find the other chair and the stools?
Wow! Frozen in time. There's even a can of hair spray on the counter. Boy, they had some high ceilings in here.
LOL Ironic is more like it.

Ok...here is the question of the day:

How do Danger, Quiet Hospital Zone, and Sugar go together??

50 cents for the right answer!! :D
Is that something on the wall or is that the color that the wall was before it was painted puke green?
How sad. :( I HATE that color green...makes me think of puke and pea soup lol.
Here we go with the no privacy toilet thing agian. Before anyone gets all uptight and start with the stupid comments...let me set it straight.

There are reasons for there being NO barrier between them since this is a state hospital...yes, it IS weird to go potty and have someone possibly right next to you...yes it does seem like a violation of human rights...yes it is disgusting, stupid, weird, tragic, etc. but there IS A REASON (see other pictures of no privacy bathrooms for clarification on that) and if you don't like it, move on to the next photo. Thank you and have a great day. :)

Did that sound too harsh? Too bad. :)

I really like this picture anyhow. Is that a window there or is it a mirror?
I wonder what was behind that locked door in the middle. Water temperature controls?
Love the peeling paint.
That reminds me of something like "A Series Of Unfortunate Things" stories set in old houses with old dusty books and old raidators...

Neat! :)
Wow. Now that is one old door. This is almost an optical illusion...it sort of looks like the door is in FRONT of the wall instead of flush with it.

COOL picture!