780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

Wow that shade is still intact? Cool! When do you think it was put up on there? I love that radiator...makes me think of sleeping over my gramma's house when she lived in the house that had steam heat. How those radiators hisssssed at night and how spooky it was for a 6 year old girl to hear that. :)
Nice B&W shot. Makes me think of a subway station...we have gone to NYC countless times and had to use the subway system because we didn't want to pay for a cab. :)
Huh...well. I wish I could bend my arms like that. If the hands were positioned facing UPWARD instead of DOWNWARD, then this wouldn't be so odd. I thought he was taking a rainbow leak at first when I looked at it...where is MY mind today?
It almost looks as if the walls are collapsing inward.

Very claustrophobic!
I agree with that.

It almost looks like the 12-step program list, except there are only 10. Odd.
Ah, a new gallery! Mr. Motts, you just made my day. The foreword story is fascinating & very well written. Now on with the show. =8-)
Aw now that is just sad. :(

What a tiny room...what do you reckon it was used for?
What is that object way at the end of the tunnel in the middle of the floor?
(And at least the lonely chair ISN'T lonely!!)
Strange that the tops of the chairs are cut off in half exactly alike. Weird.
Even the storage rooms here are beautiful : ) Great Capture!
Good title. It does look like a larva of some strange, large, and possibly lethal insect. *Shiver*

That peeling wallpaper makes it look as if it is breaking from its shell!!

Hmm....there is a one-legged ghost wandering around saying WHERE THE *beep* IS MY *beep* LEG??

It looks so sad just sitting (standing?) there.
Very strange ceiling, is it tin with pieces missing?
Ewww...nice wallpaper! I think I sat on a couch just like that when I was waiting to talk to my therapist once (waaaaaaaay back when)...huh.