780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

LOL @ the room growing hair...the room needs a haircut!! (Or a shave?)

I just noticed the mold and ick on the walls....and all I have to say is EWWWWWWWW!
I'm sure this grate was to prevent anyone from sticking their hands through the hole.
LOL Larry...yeah and they say television isn't edu-ma-cational. :D
Mikey--looks like a hardcover novel maybe...I have NO idea what though. That poor hair dryer has nothing to look at but itself...how tragic.
I agree with A D, it looks like a abstract painting.
Uhh...you guys are making me LOL for real. Ooooh I love coming here! Larry--I think I found my rival on here. :) Keep up the good comments guys!! :)
Oh wow. I didn't realize how far up that *soap dispenser* (and no joke lol) is in the right stall. I would have to climb to reach it, and doing that nekkie would be NO fun for me, and probably no fun to watch either . :-P
That window really makes me think jail cell, the way it looks like bars in the window.
I like that light fixture stuck right in the middle of those pipes, surprised it is not yet broken.
That leprechaun is very disturbing!!! Lol, the backward arms!
Nilsen - so the poor lonely chair can´t join his friends at the lonely-chair meeting next door oO! That´s so sad....
Due to all the stunning chair shots you have taken over the years Motts, this chair is bowing down to you.
"How much is that chair in the window...."
that door would make a fantastic table.... after you get rid of that nasty paint!!!
yay the "true" lonly chair shot!