780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

I would love to know what this means!

Motts, do you have another pic of this? Or could you post an enlargement of the engraving, please?
It will never die as long as we keep defibrillating it back to life. *CLEAR* *ZAP* Buwhahahaha!
No thats not me. I wish it were though, I'd love to explore a place like this!
This is my first time commenting. This hallway scene really draws me in to it as if I were actually there. Mr.Motts,your photography is the best!! Since finding your website two months ago, I have been viewing it almost every day. Keep up the good work!
I agree with you Canada. I bet if this building were in use today, that doorway would of been widened for sure.
another awesome chair.
i would love to have that bench.
The engraving looks well done, yet doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe the engraver was drunk and just said Eff It, they won't notice and just left it.
I would think earth tone colors would be more relaxing. Not this bright green/blue. The chair & lamp don't seem to mind though!
LOL!! You guys crack me up! Strange this stuff was left behind.
No, not "Next meals" but "Next meal is"
and the thrid line after the Day is
"Season is: spring"
First line is "Psychiatric Center"
Followed by
"Today is: Monday, march 23th, 19..."
"The weather is: Sunny"
"... Easter"
"Next meals: Lunch"
I agree with evilavatar...you are the ONLY person I know Mr. Motts that enjoys breaking INTO a prison lol. I am sure the people there would want the exact opposite! :D
I agree with Canada...well said! :)

I love the colors too on this one...it looks so...dare I say...HAPPY?

I am surprised at the lack of graffiti here too. It really makes this place beautiful in its slow decay. :)
Wow, I almost thought that was a dead black cat underneath the vent. Glad to see it is only black sludge.