780 Comments for Mentha State Hospital

Yeah..I know this is OT too, but at least the Coney Island Texas Weiner place re-opened not too long ago after a horrible fire there. I live in Green Ridge, so I am on the other side of the city. :)

A D Nilsen--yes, I do, but I also have a very full heart. :)

I love the perspective on this picture BTW...skewed upwards. Nice brick on the other building!
OMFG Rekrats and Tjcee! I do THE SAME THING! When I go somewhere I think I wonder what this would look like in 50 years, all abandoned and destroyed by time...and if there will be a Motts to photograph it and many people on the Internet looking at the photos and commenting on them.

I drive my hubby CRAZY talking about that kind of stuff. See what you have done to us Mr. Motts? :D
Oooh...another mystery! That note can say ANYTHING...

Maybe it says "Please find me a friend" ?
Your right Mama, that green sure is depressing. Like the lonely wheel though!
LMAOOOO ooooh boy...thanks for that A D Nilsen! I am going to hide under my bed now...
Yeah Rekrats, I think you are right on BOTH counts!! I WANNA MEET MR. MOTTS! :( He didn't even wish me a happy birthday.... *sobs*
Mmmm Larry...now I want sherbet! I have leftover birthday cake to go wtih it!
GRRRR! This is bugging me to heck now lol. :D
I mean No Barrier! Dammit I hate misspelling.

OOOh you guys are GOOD! :) 50 cents to ALL of you AND we will find Mr. Motts and hunt him down and torture him until he takes us exploring with him. :D (Heeheeehee!)
LOL Sok shadowman...you went for the joke and I laughed at it. :) I do admit it IS CREEEEPY. :D
I know why it creeps me out. No Barrior!!!!!!!! Sorry Mama, had to say it.
That is a SOAP DISPENSER ON THE CEILING! Wooo...I think that joke has just about died lol. :)
Well at least the weather was sunny (the writing on the side)...and it was almost Easter and LUNCHTIME!! :) Can't make out the rest of the writing (even enlarging the picture)...anyone?
Canada...you made me think of my FAVORITE story:

Footprints by Anonymous...

I LOVE that and it makes me cry every time when at the end He says (the time there were only one set of footprints) that that was the time He carried the person.

So beautiful. :)