243 Comments for Samuel R. Smith Infirmary

I agree Ferdy!
A D you are making me so hungry!!!!!!! Roh-Roh! :)
In your picture you make it feel like one is taking the picture. One can image the tin ceilings, the enormous staircase and colors are picturesque
You have captured the feel of the building. In this picture one may feel the the heart arch.
when i'm having a particularly bad day at work (about every 2 weeks:) I click over and see if you've posted anything new. It always reminds me there is beauty EVERYwhere, just up to me to see it. Thanks for the reminder, and another great set!
Creeeeeepy, but very beautiful! If I had to stay in that place one night all by myself, I'd totally lose my mind! Great photography. Love it!
Great shot! Mr. Motts: wallpaper please!
Such a different and unique prospective. Thank you so much, Mr. Motts.
So hauntingly beautful! The last colours of the dying summer to the fall.
It is awe invoking! I do love the angle, an angle not much visited.
Thank you Mr.Motts for another great set! I cant wait to your next set.
I'm here to echo the sentiments of EchoRose. Stunning!!!
Me too, Burnsides. This picture really grabs me!
(that was supposed to be "imagine")
Almost impossible to image this used to be a sanitary place of cleanliness and healing.