243 Comments for Samuel R. Smith Infirmary

I wouldn't mind living in the partially abandoned place either. Would make my life somewhat more interesting lol. Plus I imagine it would be like one of those hidden cheap spots; quite budget friendly for us college students :D
There's a really old house like that in my neighbourhood with the circled shapes. We call it the castle house ;p
utterly stunning! why cant they build things like this anymore. people just dont seem to take pride in what they do anymore
Now I remember why I stopped visiting this site ages ago. Because the shear volume of awesome pictures melts my brain!!!
It's like the building has its own little cloud.
This place is in terrible shape. Yet, if I close my eyes and try real hard, I can just see the grandeur it once possessed.
no accidents. no health problems. worth the wait. thanks.
does anyone recall the first hydro tub? I have one, what should i do with it? Was this the primary app. for this stainlee tub? It's like 500 gallons!
Aside from getting work, exploring always comes first, as these places often disappear pretty fast - if I become unable to explore anymore due to an accident or health problem, I figure I might be able to spend more time processing photos then.
yikes. I'm going to fall into that when I go to sleep tonight. :(
is this absorbing all of your time, or are you still able to explore and photograph as well?
Hoho that's coool!
I take a really long time to process my photos - each is handled and processed individually. Then I need to research the history of the place, write up a synopsis of it and what I can remember from the outing, then upload and title each photo, so yes I'm a bit backed up :-)
thanks mr motts for very interesting gallery and anouther place to visit for ghostly activity it is going to be great to investigate.
hay this is a really great place i would love to spend like three to four days to investagate for ghosts. i think that would be so increitable.