591 Comments for Mount Sinai Hospital

Any chance it just so happened to be pointing to an open elevator shaft?

Fun lovin' prankster zombies indeed...
Now it sits, coughing up rust. Awesome details.
Looks like someone hit with a slingshot on the way to surgery!
You picked the very best place to start! Just surprised the table is still in one piece. Love the rainbow of colors on the floor.
told you I can't spell! Sorry for the typos above! :) (gotta love me, ehAAAAAAA?)
Rekrats i did! too cool!

On a different note, I am so surprised that Mr. Motts & crew have not run into more paranormal experience than they have. I would think with so much history of sickness and pain and death in most of these places that there would be abunch of unexplained happenings! If anyone has, pleas let me know, I am studying the Paranormal in my science class (for older mothers of teenagers and pre-teens). No seriously, I am fascinated by it- I have had all kinds of unexplained happenings in my life starint at age 5!
Can it still play PONG I wonder? (the computer, that is) ?
A D you crack me up! It would keep others out of your stash of leftover pizza! <:)
Looks like the room I was in in 1998. I had (oh NO not more spelling) when I had pneumonia. Yucky.
I have never been myself. Very beautiful! I love this picture. i love everything about it!
On the narrow path!
Mr. Motts I do declare! This is the first picture I have seen of you (you are a hottie!) :)
A Freaky abandoned chair!
Quote by Mr. A D~ "I really have to stop anthropomorphizing so much". by A D NilsenTue 05-04-2010. A D- OOH I love that but I don't know what it means? Can you explain it to me? Me don't know!!!!
I think the release latch on the inside is the lever-like button sticking out.