591 Comments for Mount Sinai Hospital

Rekrats....you live around Temple TX? Haha Scott and White didn't get to buy King's Daughters out lol.
Beautiful shot of the city.
This is just awesome...lookin good Mr. Motts!
Doubles as an electric chair if the lights don't like your answer.
Better be moving quick if you only have 30 seconds to get stuff in and out.
The cord on the brush was probably to keep it from walking off, like pens on chains at the bank. I find it odd that there is a wheelchair and an IV pole there...the person just died in the chair and they moved him to the slab? My tired brain is working overtime lol.
I LOVE IT! I am going to blow this picture up and print it and show it to my soon to be 14 year old son, on how NOT to park a car in Driver's Ed!!!!!! ( he seems to think he's gonna be driving MY car in 2 1/2 years!!!! We'll see about that).

Thank you Mr. Motts. Thank you dear posters on here, you know I love you all!!!!!! Until the next one! :)
Is this where they teach "How to rob a bank" classes??
Mr. Motts, this is the way i have always thought you would look like in my mind's eye! Great work!
1960's Bow Flex that has been quite vexed!
That Poor chair has the blues!
Perhaps one of the taller zombies accidentally hit it?
But, looks like someone swept the floor after it broke...
Looks like it leaked down from the ceiling above, could be from leak in the tar-roof maybe? (Or perhaps something MORE sinister? Like the blood of 1000 zombies standing on the roof?!!!! Yes , Nick i think it could be!)
You never fail to find something new and interesting in each place you go Motts! Was so glad to see a new gallery tonight!