1,795 Comments Posted by TootUncommon

They used them for burn patients too. They don't use Stryker frames anymore? I thought they were still in use for certain injuries.
They sure came up with some contraptions. At least this doesn't really look painful.
I could not figure out what it said but now that you said that, it does look like Mandella. I love that deep red color too.
Well happy birfday to you greenskulker!
Thanks Motts. Was a little nervous about those walls lol.
Thank you for the new gallery! I had not heard of this place and really enjoyed my tour.
LOL this cracked me up.
A few structural issues with the brick. Gotta wonder how shopping carts get into some of the places they do.
Stellar Motts!
Wow only one is smashed. Amazing.
And we don't get tired of seeing it! This has so so many layers.
Are the walls really bowing or is it the angle of the photo.
Odd how these, along with crutches and fake limbs, are always left behind. Did the person not need it any more?
This is so sunny and cheerful!!
This place could have been a safe haven for the patients. Too bad it went the way of most of the asylums of that era.