591 Comments for Mount Sinai Hospital

Ah, now Mr. Motts has a love affair of abandoned soap - dish dispensors and chairs, but he has also added abandoned beds tooo! TOOO cool!
Reminds me of getting a mamogram, NOT nice at all! Ouchy!
Oh Binky no hurt you, no hurt!!!!!
T.A.P.S. would love this! (so would I !) :D
I can see the blood on the floor to the left, at least that's what it looks like- YEEESSHHH!( on the yellow thingy on the floor!) :0
Rekrats, you would be a great writer of the next" Death- in- the- morgue return- to- the- zombie- movie!"
Wow, too awesome. Very detailed ~ looks as though someone had just used it!
YEAH! I love it You answered my prayers, Dear Mr. Motts! Hello AD, Hello Debbie & Canada, and to all! :)
But really, pastels AND acoustic tiles?
Why would you send acoustic tiles to third world countries? Don't they have enough issues without our asbestos?
I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that....
BAD eldokid, no switch on mean nasty monster machine just for fun. BAD BAD BAD
If your stainless steel is going bad, do you think it might be chinese drywall?
That's expensive equipment to just leave behind like that.... granted, it would be a pain to move. Perhaps it was outdated or just not worth taking.
Nice, the coolest stuff is always left in the dark, glad you took the time to photograph it.
Awsome shot!